Replacement Rod Sections

Should you require a replacement rod section for an Ajax, Gordon, Gordon 2, or Plus 3 rod of which we have a limited stock of sections then check the listings below if not seen then please give us a call on 02871 383033

We try to keep the spare/replacement sections for our current range of rods, but in the event that we are out of stock and we can still obtain replacement sections, we can place it on back order until we obtain replacement stock.

No longer available are sections for Aquarex, Belmont, Cast 4 or split cane rods. These have all been discontinued and the factory that produced them is now closed. 

For owners of the Gordon we no longer can get them however the Gordon 2 will fit them with a slight change in colouring. You can then continue to fish with this slight amendment. Apologies in advance but the Gordon sections are no longer available.  

Choose your section from the correct category above. Any assistance required give us a call or email us

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Showing 1 - 1 of 1 products
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 products

Item in Stock

Gordon 2 Trout Rod Sections 9ft 6" #7

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